domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Te quiero

Quiero apretar fuerte tu mano y sentir tu presencia junto a la mía.
Quiero sentir eso y que baste para enfrentar el mundo.
Tus manos en las mías, Mi corazón protegiendo el tuyo.
No puedo hacer que tu pasado cambie y sea menos doloroso
pero puedo hacer tu futuro mas brillante... Eso me propongo.
Estas aquí por algún motivo que no cuestiono pero que agradezco.
Por que llegaste a hacerme suspirar de nuevo, a darme el animo de querer conquistarte y
a regalarme la risa que me faltaba.
Llegaste para enseñarme que los juicios no valen a menos que los hagas tu mismo y con conocimiento de causa, A mostrarme que no hay nada mas agradable que esos ojos tuyo mirándome  (y es hay cuando me siento afortunada y pienso - Wooow ella de verdad me mira a mi, A MI..- por que eso me paresia cosa imposible)  
En fin... entre todo y todo un mes, un lindo mes que me hace querer mas, mas de ti, de tus secretos tus risas, tus besos, tus palabras. (aun que de pololis es recién una semana... la experiencia me a enseñado, eso si, a no valorar las cosas por tiempo si no por calidad)
Recuerdo haberte regalado un corazón que te quiere... hecho de papel y por eso frágil pero a la vez noble y sincero.



When the one thing you're looking for
Is nowhere to be found
And you back stepping all of your moves
Trying to figure it out
You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head's wrapped around what's around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm
'Cause you're shivering cold
It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on
It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

So long you've been running in circles
'Round what's at stake
But now the times come for your feet to stand still in one place
You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head's wrapped around what's around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm

'Cause you're shivering cold
It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on
It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

It was your first taste of love
Living upon what you had

It's the first thing you see when you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

I would have found you
I would have found you